This project is an ambitious pilot by Waltham Forest to create a child-friendly town centre by bringing children and young people’s voices to the fore, for the first time, into conversations about future planning.

Extensive engagement with over 100 students from 3 local schools over 9 months research revealed many opportunities for making Chingford Mount more child friendly.
The research findings were very clear; Chingford Mount is a place for children and young people. In response we felt that specific design proposals should celebrate Chingford Mount as a place where they feel at home and where they are welcome and are visible. We proposed two bold and comprehensive interventions to be located on Albert Crescent, a key civic space at the heart of the town centre.

These permanent structures will incorporate wishes listed in the young people’s brief and also themes represented in their design ideas. The structures incorporate planting, play, seating, lighting, wifi and charging and shelter from the rain and sun. Designs are articulated to reflect the art deco context of Albert Crescent and incorporate stories, words and motifs by the children and young people.